The Four Seasons is a sitcom, created and produced by Alan Alda and based on his feature film of the same name, that aired on CBS in 1984. The series centers on the friendship among three middle-aged couples.
The Stones is a sitcom television series that starred Robert Klein, Judith Light, Lindsay Sloane and Jay Baruchel as the Stone family that are divorced but still live under the same house. The show premiered on CBS on March 17, 2004 and was canceled after 3 episodes due to low ratings. It was supposed to begin in 2003 but was delayed. It was produced by David Kohan, Max Mutchnick and Jenji Kohan.
Harts of the West is an American Western/comedy–drama series starring Beau Bridges and his father, Lloyd Bridges, set on a dude ranch in Nevada. The series aired on CBS from September 1993, to June 1994.
Drak Pack is an animated television series. It aired in the United States on CBS Saturday Morning between September 6, 1980 and September 12, 1982. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera's Australian subsidiary, listed in the credits as "Hanna-Barbera Pty. Ltd". A total of 16 episodes were made.
Mr. Merlin is an American sitcom that ran for one season, from 1981 to 1982, about Merlin the wizard, who is immortal, living in modern-day San Francisco, and disguised as Max Merlin, a mechanic. Mr. Merlin was produced by Larry Rosen and Larry Tucker, working as the Larry Larry Company, in association with Columbia Pictures Television.
Set in an assortment of locations around the world, the series follows three teenagers (Mark, Debbie, and Tinker) and a talking dune buggy as they partake in various adventures.