In the fictional town of Neptune, California, student Veronica Mars progresses from high school to college while moonlighting as a private investigator under the tutelage of her detective father.
After having her life course changed by a fake image and losing her childhood sweetheart to greed and power, Brisa, a strong woman, will struggle to rebuild her journey, raise her son, rediscover true love, and discover the truth about her origin.
Kevin Pacalioglu may have no money and no clue, but he can see dead people, so that's pretty cool. Faced with a constant stream of stubborn spirits, Pac goes to whatever lengths require the least amount of effort to help New York City's most frivolous ghosts finish their unfinished business, occasionally with the help of his best friend and drug dealer, Roofie.
Josh Futturman, a janitor by day/world-ranked gamer by night, is tasked with preventing the extinction of humanity after mysterious visitors from the future proclaim him the key to defeating the imminent super-race invasion.
A kind-hearted peasant dreaming of being knighted is happy to become a squire at the royal castle. However, his dream job is not all he hoped it would be.