The 10 Dumbest Things Said on the Premiere of Love in the Wild
Love in the Wild (Wednesdays, 10/9c, NBC) is a trashy beach novel of a TV show. It is salacious in nature (10 women and 10 men are thrown together in a Costa Rican paradise to partner-swap their way to true love) but not in practice (so much closed-mouth kissing). It is kind of mean (each week the last picked — that is, least desired — from each sex goes home) but then again completely goofy (at one point during a river-rafting challenge, someone confused a stick for a crocodile). It is mindless enough to be ideal summertime programming.
Catch up on today's news
To give you a sense of how silly this whole thing is, we're counting down the top 10 most ridiculous things these ridiculous (though as yet even tempered) people said on Wednesday's ridiculous premiere...
Thu, Jun 30, 2011